52 Weeks of Neighboring - 12/17

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Neighboring Tip of the Week – Go caroling in your neighborhood.

Happy December 17th! The Neighboring Movement hopes this week’s tip finds you full of joy!

With Christmas quickly approaching we're asking: What’s one way to spread both Christmas cheer and neighboring cheer? Go caroling in your neighborhood! The caroling is all that we propose. As with pretty much all of these tips, this may look very different for different people. For example, Kristina, the sister of intern Kristopher, went caroling with some friends last year. Because her and her friends were in high school, they not only went around the block to carol for many neighbors but also hopped in a van and went to some of their teacher’s houses! Another example, Legacy Ministries, a ministry within SoCe, took a wagon full of children’s books with them to hand out to any children they met as they caroled around the neighborhood last year. However caroling may look for you and your fellow carolers, let this festive act be one of great joy. Don't worry about the quality of your singing; what matters is that it enables you to spend time with others in your community and to spread joy in a tangible way. So what are you waiting for? Assemble a group, get bundled up, and start singing with your beautiful voice!

Caroling spreads Christmas neighboring cheer to all who hear!

Happy neighboring!