Our New Intern--Kristopher!

We recently bid a sad farewell to our intern AJ. But as things so often happen with the Neighboring Movement, we realized there was a person who would be a fantastic intern for us--Kristopher! I met Kristopher this summer during a retreat that was organized by Friends University. He was really interested in the Neighboring Movement, and so I asked him if he would be willing to serve as our intern, and he agreed--yea! He is intelligent, articulate, hard-working, considerate, compassionate and joyful! I've asked him to share a little about himself...


Hey friends! My name is Kristopher Swanson, and I am blessed to have been bestowed the title of SoCeLife intern! I’m going to be honest; I don’t really know how to introduce myself here, so this may be all over the place, but maybe that’s one of the most accurate representations of who I am? I am a native Wichitan (and proud to be one), and I am currently an English and Communications major at Wichita State. My family is indescribably incredible, and it includes a beautiful mom, dad, and sister. I have too many favorite activities to count, and these seem to be growing exponentially, so I am definitely open to suggestions! If I had to pick two words in order to attempt to summarize my current chapter of life (and something tells me I’m going to be in this chapter for a long time…), they would unhesitatingly be “being transformed.” I would say that every day brings with it new ways of learning how to live, or, more specifically, learning how to love. I am undoubtedly a completely different person with the same name on a daily basis, and while this is terrifying, beyond all else it is both beautiful and necessary. I have been brought to SoCeLife through a mind-blowing series of events, and here I am. I recognize that I am beyond blessed to be a part of something so beautiful, and I cannot justify with words the connection I feel (I promise you it is not possible; I attempt often). I cannot think of a concept more intriguing than neighboring and the community involved within, and I also cannot think of a better way to love others. I long to learn how to love everyone, and Neighboring Movement is all about love. I do believe I will stop talking now, but first, I need you to know that I want to meet you! I have a lot of beautiful people to meet, and you better believe you are one of them, so head on over!

Kristopher has already been doing a great job writing the weekly 52 Weeks of Neighboring Blog as well as helping out as different events come along.