52 Weeks of Neighboring - 10/10

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Tip of the Week – Rake a Neighbor's Yard!

It is finally cold here in Kansas! Today was the first day that we really felt the force of fall weather and my yard full of leaves shows it! This week's tip is to take advantage of all those falling leaves by using raking as a way to build relationship with your neighbors.

Of course, it is always nice to simply help a neighbor clean up their yard by raking the leaves, but be sure to ask first. That way you can introduce yourself and maybe even allow them to participate. Even if they can't physically help they could offer moral support and conversation while you rake. Remember the goal is not raked yards...the goal is relationships!

Other tips to consider:

1. Kids love leaves! Use the leaves you rake to make some leaf piles for the kids on your block to jump in. 

2. Compost loves leaves! If any of your neighbors compost they may want to use the leaves to fill their compost bins. By spring those leaves will be amazing fertile soil!

3. Thank you notes are key! If anyone helps you along the way be sure to say thanks. Thank you notes are great ways to make a second connection after the fact.

As always if you participate in this neighboring experiment, don’t forget to snap a picture of your fun and share it with us via Facebook or Twitter.

Happy neighboring!