
This week we had the wonderful opportunity to participate in a video conversation hosted by NewScoopYYC. The conversation included Howard Lawrence, Peter Block, John McKnight, and Walter Brueggemann. I am sure we will be sharing many gems of wisdom from this experience.

Near the end of the conversation, John McKnight commented that one of the great gifts of the Abundant Community work is that when we get to know our neighbors, we frequently discover that they have experienced the same trials we are facing. Neighbors may be able to guide us through our suffering. I experienced this gift the following day when I received a text from a neighbor struggling with cancer. At first I felt completely powerless, but then I remembered John’s comment and I quickly sought wisdom from neighbors who have shared with me about their battles with cancer. The responses I received were insightful, generous and timely. It was a testimony to John’s observation, and also to the teaching of Asset-Based Community Development which professes that we have the gifts we need all around us.