Introduction: Elisabeth Morris

Our new intern Elisabeth and her new husband Brandon--yea! 

Our new intern Elisabeth and her new husband Brandon--yea! 

Hello! My name is Elisabeth Morris, and I have very recently begun interning with SoCe Life. I thought I would share a few things about myself to give you all an idea of who I am. I am currently attending Friends University and am set to graduate this spring. I am majoring in Religion and Philosophy, but don’t ask me what I plan to do with that after college because I’m still looking for the answer to that myself. Currently I am enjoying studying God’s Word and Christianity while determining what living a good life looks like for me.

Another big thing about me is that I was recently married! About a month and a half ago I made a vow and agreed to spend my life with my best friend, Brandon Morris. It has been a wonderful and occasionally challenging journey, and I am greatly looking forward to our future together.

I’m also looking forward to my internship with SoCe, and I am excited to see what I will learn and who I will meet.