The Flipside of Cold Days (from Kristin)

As Catherine wrote, the cold gave us a bit of grief as we tried to do neighborhood interviews last week. The neighbors were friendly, to be sure, but were less apt to stand on their porch with us in the thirty degree weather (plus wind!). While this seemed unfortunate at the time, it set us up for a week of scheduled interviews!


On Monday, Catherine and I were able to revisit a woman to chat and discover her unique talents. One of the things I love about working with SoCe is that it doesn’t feel like work. I get to go around the neighborhood and meet really amazing people. As it turns out, this woman, Kathy, was one of those really amazing persons. Sometimes when we have interviews we simply stand on the porch and get the run-down of his or her assets, and other times we get to come in, sit down, and begin a friendship.

At the start of the interview she asked some great questions about SoCe and what our purpose is. We were afraid she was inquiring out of skepticism, but we quickly warmed up to one another with the help of her comically tiny dog Cookie. We learned that Kathy and I have been watching the same documentary series on Netflix, and that we have similar passions for creating art. As Kathy put it, the beauty of creating is that each piece reflects a part of the creator’s soul. When anyone mentions the soul, you know the conversation is about to go deep! And so it did. By the end of our visit Kathy affirmed us that we had “woken her spirit”. What a compliment! And this is only one of the many beautiful interactions I have gotten to be a part of lately. Needless to say, I am loving being a part of SoCe!

(P.S. Kathy is not her real name, I’ve changed her name to keep confidentiality.)