Immersion Updates and Pictures

We wanted to share some of our immersion with you.  Here are the photos that tell the story.

First is a photo of Prescott giving our guest speaker Elaine Heath her welcome bag.  Both of these people add some really unique flavors to our immersion.  Having a three year old around gives students some perspective about living in intentional community as a family.  Having a spiritual zen master around gives them perspective about who God is and how we can live in God's Kingdom.

Two of the wisest people in our community!

Two of the wisest people in our community!

This is a game taken from resources at  The ethos and theory behind ABCD means that its founders and practitioners share everything they do....for free!  In this game we discovered our own abilities as a community and extrapolated that to our neighborhood.

Learning ABCD from the "We Can" Game

Learning ABCD from the "We Can" Game

Mealtime view.  Each of our meals was acquired using ABCD.  The evening meals were made by people in the neighborhood that we have met and who shared their asset of making food. In exchange for their services we were able to help buy groceries and support their families.    

Delicious and authentic Mexican food made by a SoCe neighbor.

Delicious and authentic Mexican food made by a SoCe neighbor.

After a long day of doing inventory interviews, learning from Elaine, and attending the South Central Neighborhood Association meeting we took time to decompress with some art journaling.  We have an incredibly deep group and are grateful for all they are sharing with us.

Art Journaling

Art Journaling