The Julian Way

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SoCe Neighborhood Clean-Up!

On Saturday, we participated in the annual South Central Neighborhood Clean-up! This annual event is a great way to meet neighbors and help beautify the neighborhood. It is organized by Janet of the South Central Neighborhood Assocation--and she does an awesome job!

This year, the youth group from Andover UMC came and helped--and what a great help they were. Here are a few pics from the day:

A great crew--some in action, others waiting to jump in! They worked hard all morning! 

This couch is about to get ORIGAMI! 

How much trash can you fit into these trucks? A LOT! Trust us, A LOT!!

Just LOOK at this awesome crew! 

There were lots of people who volunteered for the neighborhood clean-up, including the National Honor Society from South High School. But we want to extend a special thanks to our great friends from Andover UMC. We love you guys!