SoCe Neighborhood Clean-Up!

On Saturday, we participated in the annual South Central Neighborhood Clean-up! This annual event is a great way to meet neighbors and help beautify the neighborhood. It is organized by Janet of the South Central Neighborhood Assocation--and she does an awesome job!

This year, the youth group from Andover UMC came and helped--and what a great help they were. Here are a few pics from the day:

A great crew--some in action, others waiting to jump in! They worked hard all morning! 

A great crew--some in action, others waiting to jump in! They worked hard all morning! 

This couch is about to get ORIGAMI! 

This couch is about to get ORIGAMI! 

How much trash can you fit into these trucks? A LOT! Trust us, A LOT!!

How much trash can you fit into these trucks? A LOT! Trust us, A LOT!!

Just LOOK at this awesome crew! 

Just LOOK at this awesome crew! 

There were lots of people who volunteered for the neighborhood clean-up, including the National Honor Society from South High School. But we want to extend a special thanks to our great friends from Andover UMC. We love you guys!