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It is election season again. There are political ads rolling in, drama-filled social media posts, and lots of speculation about who will win or lose this year’s races. The air all around us is politically charged and it can create uneasy tension among families, friends, and church communities. Tending the Civic Soil hopes to provide your church with a platform to address the election season with intention, action, and compassion

Tending the Civic Soil was written with the preacher and worship planner in mind. We have designed this tool as a one stop shop for all the worship components you may have in your congregation. Each week includes ideas and suggestions to fill your bulletin including songs, prayers, children’s sermon, exegesis, sermon ideas, and creative responses to the sermon. 

Rev. Adam Barlow-Thompson has recorded the first weeks sermon and pastors can view it for inspiration or can share it with your church. If you are still worshiping online this may be a great option to kick off the series and to give the pastor a break!

As you begin we encourage you to read through the entirety of the tool to understand the full scope of the series. Especially be sure to read the “Creative Worship Ideas” portion at the back of this document. You may need to purchase some supplies if you choose to do these during your worship time. Below is an outline that summarizes the key ideas for the series and each week.

Download this PDF Sample which includes the introduction to week 1 and the Sermon outline for week 3.

Key Themes in the Series
1.  It is healthy and important for churches to talk about voting. This is done best when voting is put into context as one part of community health. 
2. Healthy civic soil is a community of people who believe that together they can produce their desired future. 
3. Healthy civic soil is created by valuing our relationship with others, using your voice to prioritize justice, and seeking reconciliation over electoral victories.

Week 1: Focus on the Soil
Using the parable of the sower this week introduces the metaphor on which the entire series is based. Voting is a plant within our community's soil. When the soil is healthy, election season adds fruit to our community. When the soil is unhealthy, election season can be a divisive and hurtful time. A faithful response to election season is to focus on the soil by strengthening relationships with others, using our voice to prioritize justice, and seeking reconciliation over electoral victories. 

Week 2: Plant for Interdependence
The Apostle Paul in First Corinthians 3 uses the metaphor of planting and watering to talk about appreciation of the diversity of skills and contributions within the church. This week’s focus is on the freedom that comes from our interdependence. An essential way we create healthy civic soil is through relationships with our neighbors and discovering their gifts, talents, and interests.

Week 3: Eat What is in Season
A great gardener tends to the seasons. This is election season, and it deserves special attention. This week will follow the story of Esther as a guide for how to balance our commitments of faith while living within a broken political system. The story of Esther is about finding your voice and knowing when to speak out against unjust systems. Healthy civic soil requires faithful people to use their voice to prioritize justice during election seasons. 

Week 4: After the Harvest
What if the first Wednesday of November was more important than the first Tuesday of November? This week draws from the creation story to help remind your congregation that the work of healthy civic soil is ongoing. Elections create winners and losers, but healthy civic soil will require reconciliation so that all people can continue to contribute to the community. 

Is your church in Kansas?

In partnership with TheVoterNetwork.org this resource is being made available for free with actions specific to Kansas voters. Get the Kansas download folders by clicking the button below.

Is your church NOT in Kansas?

Purchase the resource today right from the Neighboring Movement website. Add to cart and proceed to check out to get the downloads for your congregation. You get all four weeks for $50.00 including song suggestions, call to worship prayers, children’s sermon, pastoral prayer, scripture exegesis, sermon notes/illustrations, call to action, response to sermon activity, and the video of Rev. Adam Barlow-Thompson preaching the first sermon. Get it all today!

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