The Neighbor Next Door is a podcast about the power and importance of neighboring. Through interviews, tips, research, and humor, discover how communities are being transformed by great neighbors.

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About the hosts…

The podcast is hosted by Adam Barlow-Thompson and Matthew Johnson. Adam and Matt are two of the co-founders of the Neighboring Movement. They bring a joy-filled approach to learning about, and practicing, good neighboring.

Our hope for the podcast…

Our approach to neighboring is through the lens of relationships, abundance, and joy. We experiment with, and share, ideas and approaches created by Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) practitioners. We hope you enjoy listening to each episode, but beyond that, we hope the podcast will inspire you to continue fostering relationships with your neighbors!

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We would love your help promoting our podcast. Here are some simple ways you can support our work:

  1. Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

  2. Rate and review the podcast on your favorite podcast platform.

  3. Share new episodes, or this page, on your social media.

  4. Let us know about people or stories whom you think we should highlight on the podcast.

If you have a podcast, we would love to chat about swapping episodes or trailers. Please contact for more information.