The Julian Way

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Farewell to Claire Gallegos

We are excited to announce that Claire Gallegos, our Statewide Organizer, has accepted a position with The Kansas Values Institute. Claire’s time with The Neighboring Movement has been short but deeply impactful. When she began in January, we handed her the Kansas Animator Network (KAN) and asked her to cast a vision. She dreamed bigger than we could have imagined and followed that up with decisive action and planning. In the five months on our team, Claire recruited a cohort for KAN in Southwest Kansas which will start in June, helped secure a grant from the Movement Voter Project, laid the framework for 2-3 more cohorts launching this fall, and helped us implement several structural changes for our growing organization.

We are very sad to see Claire go, and cannot deny that this change is an affirmation of her gifts and skills. We know she will rise to the opportunity and continue to spread the Neighboring Movement everywhere she goes. In her new position, Claire will serve as the Finance Director for the Kansas Values Institute. There she will help raise money to support voter education around education, fair tax policy, good roads, and equality issues.

As we adjust staffing to accommodate this change we will be sharing new staff and opportunities soon.