The Julian Way

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Seasons of Change

Hi friends :)

I was recently reminded during a book discussion, of change, and I wanted to ask you all, “how do you see and embrace change in your life?”

I’m finding that I, at least for the time being, embrace visions of change gracefully and with a playful and excited eagerness, but when change comes imperfectly, without my consent, or even just simply outside of the bounds of my imagination, it never feels like a trustworthy friend. And I’d like to reclaim my natural propensity to yield to change.

As a resonant body, my speculation of the changing seasons of weather, the ebb and flow of relationships, and my own personal and emotional variations is palatable. I expect the winter and know its good, but then when my body eventually feels the cold, I can’t help but feel as though I’ve let myself down by not moving somewhere warmer before the cold gets to me.

I think I spend so much time preparing my home for a visitor that I forget to get to know my sweet visitor whom I cared enough about to prepare for and instead stand in horror as she so easily makes herself comfortable. She kicks her shoes off at the door and embraces the couch in a fraction of the time it took me to poof the pillows. She’s comfortable there and expects nothing from me but to take a seat next to her, but now I’m not comfortable with her being so close.

But as I welcome back my favorite season, summer, I’m landing in a more gentle and open minded space, ready to create habits that will teach me to embrace more of what humanity and earth have to offer. I don’t know, y’all. The sun does something to me :) haha

Some practices that I will start to and continue to introduce in my life are as follow…

I want to redefine liveliness and notice more, lively or not. If I stop in my tracks more often to stay still and regard the existence around me, I’m hopeful that I will notice the breath in my surroundings and that my stillness will give me the space I need to enjoy it.

I’d like to ask more people why they enjoy things that I don’t enjoy yet. I love falling in love with people, so I want to fall in love with the honest and good things in their lives.

I want to release some of my expectations of and hopes for the people and the earth so that risks we take in the midst of each other can be beneficial and less harmful.

And finally, I’ll practice orchestrating small changes in my life, like waking up at a different time on Tuesday, driving a different route home, or greeting a friend or stranger with abundant joy and excitement. These changes aren’t harmful :)

As always, I have no solutions or definitive and revolutionary thoughts - just some thoughts that may inspire more thoughts or movement in you.

Thanks, y’all!