The Julian Way

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The Funston Neighborhood Garden Continues to "Grow" ;-)

A few weeks ago, there was a small gathering at the neighborhood garden at Funston & Broadway. This is a garden that is truly a result of many individuals and groups sharing their gifts. You can read the wonderful story of the Funston Neighborhood Garden here. Anyway - back to our recent gathering - it was fantastic! Our friends at Legacy Ministries have been working hard to get several beds established. And this year, we will be opening up plots for neighbors and businesses to adopt. One neighbor joined us to get the update, and to offer ways he can help. He’s already done a ton to make the garden look as good as it does. Another neighbor has been spreading the word and already recruited on family who wants a plot. It is so exciting!

As I look at these pictures I am struck by what we can do when we work together!