The Julian Way

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Justin Hancock: Leading up to The Julian Way

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This week Matt and Adam are joined by Justin Hancock who shares "the inciting incident" into The Julian Way and what we can take away from that incident. 

Quotable Moment: "...just being careful about how even with the best of intentions, we often strip people of their God given spark of choice and voice..." -Justin Hancock

The Julian Way is an organization focused education and empowerment with, for, and by, persons of diverse embodiments. They seek to help places of faith, and other cultural institutions, achieve greater universal accessibility, by fostering environments where persons of all embodiments can work for leadership and equity throughout the whole of human life together. 

Quotable Moment: "What The Julian Way is trying to do on a daily basis is invite curiosity around the disability experience- and what I mean by curiosity is the ability to admit we don't know everything, to move forward and honestly ask questions and engage- and do so with a spirit of charity and without fear."- Justin Hancock

To learn more or donate, go to