The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 27

Neighboring Tip of the Week - Double your favorite recipe and share extra with a neighbor.

This feels like one of the most classic neighboring tips, and for good reason; sharing food is a fantastic way to introduce yourself to a neighbor! We have a theory that 93% of all people are powerless against food. Seriously, there's something really magical about sharing out of our own abundance! 

The simple act of sharing food touches upon a few key neighboring elements. First, before even starting to talk, delivering food communicates to your neighbors that you come in peace. You aren’t mad at them because they let their grass get too tall, or they play their music too loud. Second, it presents you with the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself to the neighbor and then ask their name. If you have not yet introduced yourself to one of your neighbors and then asked their name, we would definitely suggest doing so as one of your first neighboring endeavors, and we think this experiment puts you in the perfect position to do so. Third, it gives you something to talk about after you introduce yourselves! In our work, we often talk about the helpfulness of “third things”, which are essentially just subjects you and your neighbor can talk about, outside of one another. The food that you share can be a very natural entry into conversation with your neighbor, and who knows where the conversation may go from there!

Here are some practical tips to remember when you experiment with this tip:

  • Lean into the awkward! If you and your neighbor have been living on the block for a while and you don’t know their name, you may just have to acknowledge that asking their name will be awkward. We’ve found it’s often helpful to simply name the awkwardness with your neighbor; somehow these things are less scary when they’re named.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask their name again. Did you miss their name the first time, or have you forgotten it? Lean in to the awkwardness, and ask them again!

  • If you’re worried about how your neighbor may react, simply tell them that you had extra and wanted to share! You can also tell them you won't be offended if they don't like it.

  • Ask your neighbor if they have dietary restrictions. If they do, make a mental note, and be sure to fix food they can eat in the future.

  • Tell your neighbor if your recipe includes common allergens (like nuts). An allergic reaction would not be good for your neighboring endeavor….

  • If you are using a reusable container or dish, write your name and phone number on it and say something like, “Call me when you are done, and I’ll come get the dish.” This is a clever way to share your contact information with your neighbor and also initiate a second interaction.

  • Be prepared for any type of reaction, but don't let the fear of rejection keep you from reaching out with your yummy gift in hand!

Also, don’t forget that we’re living in the midst of a global pandemic and that keeping both your neighbor and yourself healthy is always top priority! So, when experimenting with this tip, please do so safely! We ask that you be extra mindful of hygiene as you prepare the food, and then we also ask that you deliver it with distancing. We would encourage you to do something like ring their doorbell, set the food down, and then walk a little ways away, so that you can still engage in conversation together and yet also do so at a distance. Even though experimenting with this tip in the midst of this pandemic requires a little more intentionality, we can’t think of a better time to do so. I mean, who doesn’t want the gesture and delivery of some food right now?

Happy neighboring!