The Julian Way

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Funston and the Fresh Air

Check out our new banner! Finally, something that let’s people know better what is happening at this lot.

Like many people, over the last 4 months I think the part of my brain that is designed to survive started blocking out various projects. I just didn’t have the physical or mental or emotional bandwidth to do everything I would normally do. I knew this was happening. I made peace with it. And…I couldn’t have changed it even if I wanted to.

One of the projects that got pushed out of my mind was the Funston Neighborhood Garden. The garden is not a big, demanding project, but it does need regular attention. And that regular attention felt overwhelming. Until I remembered that I’m not in this alone. There are many people who have come together to make the Funston Neighborhood Garden what it is (you can see more about our partners on the Funston Neighborhood Garden website). And now, those folks are working together doing things like trash pick-up and mowing, garden box building, and raised-bed construction. And so, my task has been to go once a week and run the weed-eater around the property. It only takes 15 minutes. It gives me a reason to get outdoors and into the neighborhood. It refreshes me. And most importantly the task reminds me that I’m not alone in doing the work that needs to be done.