The Julian Way

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We've Opened a KAN of Goodness!

Kansans UNITE!

This week we introduced a new private cohort to our world! Welcome the Kansas Animators Network (KAN)! KAN will create a learning space for progressive ideas and plans for our local communities. This group of 20 visionaries, led by our own Neighboring Movement, are a diverse yet like minded group seeking to manifest social and civic animation in communities that otherwise don’t experience civic participation.

The Kansas Animators have met once via Zoom and have already been tasked to connect with each other by asking questions that prod at the core of their passions and the influence of their personal context. It’s gonna be a party! Their personal introductions were indicative of their devotion to local and global reform, and we can’t wait to find out more about the projects they crave and the plans they will organize to pursue them! The members of the cohort’s collaboration with each other will be invaluable to the evolution of their goals.

Over the next 15 week they will meet weekly, spend one-on-one time alongside coaches, and hear from some of the best community organizing leaders in the state about sustainable solutions and leadership. They will be assigned weekly homework to aid them in their creative process of enriching their communities, starting with creating asset maps (sweet music to our ears)! No surprise, they are all true believers in the beloved ABCD (Asset Based Community Development), which will serve them well in their pursuit of equity, respect, and the flourishing of humanity. Who knows? Self-actualization may be reached after all.

So keep your eyes peeled for some creative improvement maybe coming to a community near YOU!