The Julian Way

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Introducing Sydney Roe

Hello friends! My name is Sydney Roe, and I’m stoked to be here! I think working as a VISTA for SoCe Life is exactly where I need to be right now. I’m from Kingman, KS, but my affinity is definitely to ICT. My goofy family of six is spread from Tennessee to Wichita to Manhattan, KS, and I live with three brilliant women here in Dub City. I was studying Psychology and Christian Spiritual Formation at Friends University, but instead of heading into my junior year, I’ve decided to spend a couple years away from school to be with you awesome people and then dive further into the expedition of life, starting with going to Europe! If or when I go back to school, I think I’d enjoy changing my major to creative writing. Verbal words don’t come easy to me, and I’m about as awkward as they come, but if you don’t give up on me, I’ll be asking you to play hacky sack with me in no time! Along with hacky sack, I’ve been using my free time during quarantine to learn how to ride my bike without hands and shuffle dance (demonstrations to come upon mastery)! I’m very fond of film and literature, so if you have any recommendations, please share! I also LOVE to listen to people talk about what they care about, and I’m super excited to neighbor with you all and hear all your stories! The Neighboring Movement is the perfect opportunity for me to do life with some of the best Wichitans, and I can’t wait to get to know you and laze in the sun with you all! Happy Neighboring!
