The Julian Way

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Ubuntu-Looking Through the Screen Door

Ubuntu (Zulu pronunciation: [ùɓúntʼù]) is a Nguni Bantu term meaning "humanity." It is often translated as "I am because we are,"


We live in a time where many of us are focused on our smart phones and electronic devices. We are independent and this independence can make us feel like we do not need anyone else.  If I have a question, I can ask Siri or search Google and quickly find the answer.  I grew up in a neighborhood where I never felt like I was all by myself. 

The word Ubuntu speaks to humanity.   I am because we are.  Somewhere along the way we have lost our feeling and concern for our community. Our independence has caused a disconnect.  We look for things that divide us more than the things that we have in common.  Another variation of the definition of ubuntu  refers to behaving well towards others or acting in ways that benefit the community.

 When I was 10 years old, I saw my dad rush across the street to help a neighbor. Our neighbor was working underneath his car and the car jack failed and collapsed causing the car to fall on him. My father and several other neighbors rushed and helped to lift the car.  Thankfully he was not injured.  I stood there watching through the screen door as people, old and young, jumped in to help.  When my dad got back to the house he asked me why I didn’t come and help. 

He said, “Ms. Vann, our 60 year old neighbor helped, but you stood here and watched.”  

Honestly I didn’t know what to do.  I remember feeling scared and helpless as I watched in disbelief.  This incident helped me to see the value of helping people around me.  Although I felt like I could not do anything to help because my size and my age, my dad taught me that every little bit helps. 

This story of my dad lifting the car off the neighbor taught me a valuable lesson.  I’ve lived my life helping people through the work that I’ve done in social services, teaching, pastoring and in many other ways.  My childhood memories of my neighborhood help me to appreciate neighbors and how we all were there to support, encourage, and help one another. Even though we all lived our own lives in our own homes, we were interdependent.  We all had a part to play in our community. 

I went from looking through the screen door as a child to stepping in and helping as an adult. I learned this in my neighborhood.