The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 41

Neighboring Tip of the Week - Bring a neighbor a Thanksgiving dish.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

We know it’s the week of the holiday, so we’ll keep this neighboring tip nice and short. Plus, the tip is Thanksgiving-themed, so we want to give you as much time as we can to experiment with it before Thursday! 

Normally around this time of year, we encourage you to invite a neighbor to your Thanksgiving meal. But because coronavirus cases are surging upwards around the world, this year, we ask that you please not do that. Remember, our number one priority right now is the health and safety of our neighbors. So, with that priority in mind, this week, we encourage you to make a Thanksgiving dish and bring it to one of your neighbors! Of course, when making the dish, please practice good pandemic hygiene, and when delivering the dish, please do so in a way that allows for physical distancing. As with all food deliveries to your neighbors, we would also encourage you to make sure you have a conversation with the neighbor about the ingredients in the dish, in case they have food sensitivities or allergies. Now, go make your delicious dish!

Perhaps you have a neighbor who lives alone and is unable to celebrate Thanksgiving with family this year due to the pandemic. We would encourage you to bring the dish to them! Whether it’s pie or potatoes, corn or cranberries, your neighbor is sure to love the Thanksgiving gift!

Happy neighboring!