The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - Week 36

Neighboring Tip of the Week - Make a Halloween plan for your household based off of what public health experts are advising.

Hello friends! Happy Sunday!

It’s crazy, but Halloween is already right around the corner! Normally, around this time of year, we present a neighboring tip encouraging you to send a Trick or Treat invitation to the parents on your street. But this year, Halloween is going to be a bit different and so will trick or treating. And that’s okay! 

Because we are living in the midst of a pandemic, our celebrations are going to have to be a bit more intentional. In other words, this Halloween, our primary concern must be the health and safety of our neighbors. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun or celebrate the holiday joyfully! We most certainly will do so! It just means that we have to be a bit more intentional about planning our celebrations out. And that’s why we are presenting this tip this week! Let’s plan ahead and start thinking through how we can both safely and joyfully celebrate the holiday with our neighbors.

So, this week, we encourage you to make a Halloween plan for your household based off of what public health experts are advising. Again, those of us at the Neighboring Movement are certainly not health experts, so don’t get your covid information from us! People at the CDC, on the other hand, are health experts, and we look to them to learn more about coronavirus. The CDC now has a page on their website dedicated to the ways that we can celebrate Halloween safely, so this week, we want to direct you there. You can go to the page by clicking here. We encourage you to think about the ways that you normally celebrate Halloween and use the page to check and see if those celebrations are safe. Then, and most importantly, we ask that you would make any and all necessary changes to your normal Halloween celebrations in order to make them more safe and prevent any possible transmission of COVID-19. And the thing is, these changes aren’t hard, and they still allow us to have so much fun! They just involve things like practicing physical distancing, wearing masks, washing your hands, and preparing individually wrapped Trick or Treat bags ahead of time - small changes that still allow us to celebrate the holiday joyfully but also keep our neighbors safe at the same time. 

This Halloween, let’s commit to celebrations that are both joyful and safe! Let’s get planning, and let’s have some fun!

Happy neighboring!