The Julian Way

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Sharing Remedies

We love hearing from folks who are neighboring where they live. We recently got an e-mail from a friend in Canada who shared this wonderful observation:

“What I love about neighbouring is you can often experience different cultures from the comfort of your own street! It's very affordable and you don't need a passport. The other day I was walking with my daughter and one of our neighbours had pulled in their driveway so we stopped to say ‘Hi’ as they all tumbled out of their van! We chatted about the weather (as it's been -25 C here north of the border for several weeks) and asked after each other's health. Then as we walked away I had a coughing fit. The lady called after me to ask if I was ok. I said yes, we just had a plague in our house that left several members of the family with a cough! It could last up to 8 weeks!! She asked me if I was interested in trying a natural Jamaican remedy. I said I would try anything. She warned me it included garlic and honey and several spices, but she would bring some right over. My daughter and I went home and I looked forward to my neighbour's delivery... I thought ‘how cool is that’ to try something another culture swears by and I look forward to finding other similar remedies on our street!”

Thanks for sharing Rocky! Happy Neighboring!