The Julian Way

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A Tree Grows In SoCe

One of my sister's all-time favorite novels is Betty Smith's A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. After she practically forced me to read it, and thank goodness she did, i fell in love with the book, as well. i will refrain from being too specific, as i think you should definitely read the book, but the novel's heroine, Francis ("Francie") Nolan, has a routine in which she climbs atop her home's fire escape and is there enveloped by a tree, a tree that blossoms relentlessly from the concrete courtyard below. Inside this tree and upon the fire escape, she reads and beholds, a part of the world around her and yet also observing it, within and without.

When i was walking in SoCe yesterday, i stumbled across this tree on the northwest corner of Gilbert and Market, and i could not help but think of A Tree Grows In Brooklyn. First of all, look at this thing! And let me tell you, this picture in no way captures the sheer size or grandeur of this beautiful tree! i encourage you to go see it for yourself. Second, and back to how i immediately thought of the novel, the tree looks easily climbable, and though this is hard to tell from the picture, the ivy seems somewhat spaced out from the branches, forming a sort of canopy. i guess what i am saying is that if someone was to climb this tree, i think they would feel a little bit like Francie Nolan.

Now, aside from the novel and metaphors about how life constantly springs forth, even from the most seemingly unlikely of places (i just had to add this to get you excited), i encourage you to go check out this tree! i also hope to be able to meet these neighbors at some point and comment on their beautiful tree!