The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - 5/6

Neighboring Tip of the Week - Send a thank-you card to the neighbor you borrowed something from last month.

If you can jog your memory back to the first part of last month, you may remember we gave a neighboring tip to borrow something from a neighbor. This week, you’ll have the chance to follow up on that tip!

If you did borrow something last month, take time to handwrite a thank-you note. In our fast-paced society, thank-you notes (or any note, for that matter) seem to be a thing of the past. We tend to settle for thank-you texts. A handwritten thank-you note is a meaningful gesture for a variety of reasons. Here is a couple…

·      Thank-you notes show your gratitude. To handwrite a personal note takes both time and intentionality.

·      Thank-you notes help to establish a personal connection. Make sure to address your note to the specific person, or family, you borrowed something from. Remembering someone’s name and then using it is a foundation for continuing to build a connection.

If you have just started reading these tips, or you didn’t have the chance to borrow something last month, here’s another idea: Recognize something you really appreciate in one of your neighbors and write a note thanking them for that.

So, get out your favorite pen and try one, or both, of these neighboring experiments. As always, let us know how it goes; we love learning from you!

Happy neighboring!