The Julian Way

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SoCe Life in the News: on KSN-TV!

What a week! After the exhilaration of the article in the Wichita Eagle, we were interviewed last Friday by KSN's Carly Willis.  Like Katherine Burgess, she came in with some understanding of what we are about. First we did an interview at the SoCe office and then we walked over to a neighbor's house to ask about his perspective on the neighborhood. It was great!

Our neighbor, Larry, is so enthusiastic and is a fan (pun intended - he showed us his amazing collection of antique electric fans - all polished to a brilliant shine and functioning) of SoCe Life. He has lived in the neighborhood for 18 years and loves where he lives. He stood on his porch and pointed out each of the houses where he knows the families and a little of each person's story. He even invited us all in for a tour of his historic home! As we left to head back to the office, Larry asked if I would paint him a SoCe Life sign to hang in his yard. Of course! He even offered to give me a piece of historic wood to use as the base.

Click HERE to view the KSN piece. We are thankful to reporter, Carly Willis, for helping tell a new and true story of our neighborhood.