The Julian Way

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Highlights from the week of August 21

We have had some energizing neighboring moments this week!

On Monday, SoCe partnered with the South Central Neighborhood Association (SCNA) to present the monthly Neighborhood Pride Award to a couple who have a beautiful yard in SoCe. It is always fun to acknowledge neighbors' hard work and to highlight the positive aspects of our neighborhood at the SCNA meetings.

Thank you to FarmShop, LLC for donating items for our front yard garden boxes and for donating this month's Neighborhood Pride Award prize!

Last night, Matt and I went on a walk with one of our Block Connector families to introduce them to their neighbors. This family walks daily in SoCe, pushing their young daughter in a stroller, so they have already made friends with many folks! They are beautiful, peaceful people who are approachable and non-threatening. As we drew near to a neighbor whom they already know, he lamented that he is moving soon and he will really miss seeing his neighbors' little girl grow up. "I have known her since she was born! I will come back and visit," he promised.

We moved a little farther down the block and visited with a couple who are growing amazing tomatoes in their garden box. Even while we were still across the street, the husband came over in his socked feet with his hands full of tomatoes for us! He was so joyful and eager to share. By the time we arrived at his house and gathered in his living room, he had collected a few toys to entertain our neighbors' daughter. Such joy! Such abundance! Such hospitality!

Meanwhile, our friend, Pastor Lora, was going door-to-door in her neighborhood in Winfield, KS to invite neighbors to a block party. She messaged us about how exciting it was to be meeting so many interesting people. Lora's enthusiasm and perseverance are an encouragement to us.