The Julian Way

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It's Easier than You Think!

Recently Joy, one of the amazing neighboring practitioners we've met, sent us some cool pictures of their Bubble Party.  Here is her story:

My husband and I are introverts who never have people over to our house. We've stressed over the idea of throwing a party because it would mean too much small talk. But we're both teachers and we have no problem talking to kids. That's how the idea of a Bubble Party was born. We'd delivered invitations and people sounded excited, but we played by ourselves for an hour and were ready to give up. Then a family showed up and our friend across the street came and we coaxed a neighbor's grand-kids into coming. The cool thing is that even though our neighborhood is full of kids, we'd never met any of these kids. And the adults had so much fun they're planning an ice cream social for later this summer and an outdoor movie party this fall! Woohoo!

If Block Parties aren't your thing find what is! Maybe you'll have a veggie party, a music party, a kite party, a dog party, a sports party. The possibilities are endless!

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