The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - 7/2

Tip of the Week – Use sidewalk chalk to draw a fireworks scene on your sidewalk.

Get out the sparklers and hot dogs – the fourth of July is right around the corner. This summer holiday offers some fantastic neighboring opportunities. If you’re feeling adventurous, BBQs or fireworks are always great options. If that’s not your cup of iced sweet tea, this week’s tip is for you.

Grab some chalk and get started on some fun summer/fourth of July themed pictures on your sidewalk and driveway. If there are kids in your neighborhood, this is a great opportunity to get them involved in the fun. Ask your neighborhood kids if they would help you decorate your sidewalk for the holiday. You might even consider walking your sidewalk chalk crew around the neighborhood and offering to chalk other neighbors’ sidewalks. Be sure to have the proper parent and neighbor permission before you start chalking. Imagine your neighborhood with the entire street lined in sidewalk chalk drawings. That’s the best kind of curb appeal!

Every month, SoCe Life hosts Inspiration Night - a chance for neighbors and SoCe Life friends to gather together and share food, music, and stories from our neighborhoods. At our last Inspiration Night, a friend shared a story of how sidewalk chalk brought a number of her neighbors together – from kids to college students.

As always, make this experiment your own. Be sure to grab a picture of your sidewalk chalk drawings and share them with us on Facebook or Twitter. Don’t forget the hashtag #52WeeksofNeighboring.

Happy neighboring!