The Julian Way

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Thankful for our interns!

Have we said how awesome our interns are? 

It is great to have AJ continuing with us over the summer. She helps host SoCe events, paint and logo garden boxes, as well as writing our 52 Weeks of Neighboring tips. This week Adam and Matt and I were sitting around the table at our office discussing the Good Neighbor Experiment curriculum we are writing. AJ was also at the table quietly working on neighboring tips. Later in the afternoon she sent us a draft of a neighboring tip and she had incorporated one of the new ideas we were discussing for the curriculum! It is a reflection of her giftedness that she is always absorbing and assimilating new ideas.

Yesterday I met with Katie to reflect on her first month with us. She has done a great job of following up with neighbors regarding their garden boxes and pest problems. More importantly, she is building relationships with neighbors. She has been helping renovate and paint garden boxes, as well as making connections between gardeners so that they can share knowledge.

We are very thankful for AJ and Katie and for the giftedness and care they bring to SoCe.