The Julian Way

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52 Weeks of Neighboring - 6/18

Tip of the Week – Bake your favorite goodie and deliver them to your local police or fire station.

Last week’s neighboring experiment called for a green thumb – this week’s calls for oven mitts. Bake your favorite goodies and deliver them to your local police or fire station. It can be anything from cookies, banana bread, or even your special family recipe snack mix!

Delivering snacks to these personnel make a great neighboring experiment for a few reasons:

  • It makes public servants feel appreciated. The job of a policeman or a firefighter is not an easy job. Depending on the size of the community in which you live, your local firefighters may even be volunteers! Taking them goodies is a great way to show that you’re thinking of them and appreciate their service.
  • It builds community relationships. The primary job of both law enforcement and firefighters is to keep citizens safe. Delivering homemade goodies to these individuals gives you the opportunity to meet them, share questions or concerns, and build a personal connection that could prove beneficial in the future.

We’ve made it a priority to reach out to our local police and fire stations in our neighborhood. We’ve truly enjoyed getting to know them and even built a garden box for the South Patrol Police Station. We’d love to hear your stories of this neighboring experiment, so be sure to let us know how it goes.

Happy neighboring!