The Julian Way

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Open House Highlights

On May 20th from 3pm-5pm we are hosting an Open House Fundraising Event.  Stop by at 417 E. Gilbert and enjoy some original SoCe goodness! Here are some of the highlights you can expect...

3pm-4pm: Food and Art

We are featuring one chef and three artist all from within our neighborhood.

One of our neighbors will be making authentic crispy Mexican tacos! They are so good you will probably have to re-evaluate your life goals.  

Briana Ladwig illustrated Ron Baker's children's book and will have some work on display.  See her work here:

Brian Grey who is a local photographer will be here with some great photos. His work is here:


Legacy Pottery Works, a collective of folks making pottery in SoCe will be selling their unique handmade dishware. There work is here

4pm SoCe Presentation

We are excited to share what we've been up to and to offer a vision of what is coming. There is some great momentum around our neighboring work and we can't wait to tell you all about it!


We will walk half a block over to the beautiful home of our neighbor Larry. He has been refurbishing his Victorian home and you will not believe what he has done inside. Not to mention the incredible antique fan collection he maintains.

Our goal of course is to raise some money so that we can continue our work of increasing neighboring in SoCe and launching a national Neighboring Movement.  We hope to raise $3000 in donations or pledges during this event. If you can't make it to the event, but still want to help out financially here are some ways you can help.

$30 pays for a truck load of dirt for our garden boxes

$50 covers building a garden box for a SoCe neighbor.

$50 covers a block party hosted by one of our block connectors

$120 buys you a garden box and buys one for a SoCe neighbor.

$120 covers renting the traffic equipment needed to host a party that blocks off a street.

$300 pays a direct mail invitation to SoCe residents for our fall neighbor gathering.

$500 pays for a years worth of block connecting including incentives for the Block Connector, block parties, and staff time building relationships.

$600 pays for one months rent of our office/community center space.

$1000 pays for a 10 week student intern....and we only have the best interns!

$1500 would help fund our new website which will be a digital hub for neighboring practitioners and neighboring curriculum. 

$2000 funds our one of 4 research/learning trips we are hoping to take to communities already doing amazing neighboring programs.

$3000 would fund our goal in one fail swoop and I'm pretty sure Adam would grovel at your feet for an indefinite period of time.