The Julian Way

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Open House Fundraiser

On May 20th we'll be hosting an Open House Fundraiser for SoCe Life. 

Get all the details here!

Here are some funding goals we are currently working on.

Summer Intern = $1000; Help fund our amazing intern AJ. She is a student at Friends University and is amazing! AJ is the primary writer for the 52 Weeks of Neighboring

1 Block Connector = $50/month; Starting in July we will begin paying small sums to our block connectors to increase accountability and willingness to participate. 

Community Center= $600/month; Our office/community center cost $600 a month. It is a safe space for meetings and a spot that has helped us find grounding within the community.

Activate SoCe Events = $1500; These events help cast a new vision within the neighborhood. They are one day pop up events that take old worn out spaces and transform them into the possibilities they might become.