The Julian Way

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This is the diagram for what we are working on. We're currently looking for "green" people on each block to serve as Block Connectors. 

This week we began passing out letters on a couple of different blocks to invite people either to be a Block Connector, or to identify someone on their block who would be a good Block Connector. It is always intimidating to go out and knock on doors, but so far the response has been great. While Catherine and I were talking with folks, we reconnected with a family who has a garden box, so we chatted about garden plans. Then we talked to another neighbor who said she liked the idea of a Block Connector and recommended her neighbor because he looks out for her and is such a good guy. Other neighbors had us laughing as they told us what they were up to. 

As Catherine and I walked home we both exclaimed how fantastic it would be to live on that block--such great people! I can’t wait to see what happens! (Also, we confess that we hope to be invited to their block parties because many of the folks on that block are amazing chefs.)

P.S. I’m thankful we live on our block (more great people) AND I’m thankful that we share a neighborhood with the people we met.