The Julian Way

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Looking back...and ahead!

Dear Friends,
Thanks to your support, 2017 has been an amazing year! We are having a blast spreading the Neighboring Movement! Enclosed is a recap of some of the projects we’ve been working on. 

More than anything we have been blown away by the need for neighboring. Consider these two statistics:

As an organization, we’ve committed ourselves to ending loneliness by advocating for a Neighboring Movement that has an exponential life. As we have reflected on our work we have identified 3 strategic steps:

  1. Discover: Everyday we meet amazing people who are using neighboring to influence the world in positive ways. Through networking and research, we are learning the best principles that define the Movement. 
  2. Experiment: Our work is rooted in the SoCe Neighborhood of Wichita KS. This is our learning lab and we believe staying deeply committed to our actual neighbors gives our work integrity.
  3. Share: We are developing educational tools that can increase neighboring and provide a sustainable income for our organization. This work has already begun and has shown early promise for hitting our goals. 

Here is how you can help. Dec. 4-8 we will use Facebook Live to host an online fundraising campaign. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to combat loneliness! You can contribute by making a donation in advance; send your gift to 417 E. Gilbert, Wichita, KS 67211 or make a donation online at Your advanced giving will help us set the tone for the live campaign and we appreciate your effort to help us hit our goal.  

If you’d like to have a further conversation about how to contribute to the Neighboring Movement contact me at or give me a call at 316-285-7799. 
Thanks again for helping us end loneliness by being good neighbors!

Rev. Adam Barlow-Thompson
Co-Founder and Director of Fundraising

Year in Review

This PDF highlights some of the programs and activity that we made in 2017. Check out the map at the bottom of the page to see how the movement is spreading across North America! Click here to download our Year in Review.


Looking Ahead

As we look ahead there are three priorities that we intend to keep in 2018. This PDF highlights our focus for 2018 and how we intend to help spread the Neighboring Movement. Click here to download our three strategic focuses for 2018.