The Julian Way

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First Inspiration Night of the year!

On Saturday evening we hosted Inspiration Night at our office. As we enjoyed a potluck meal together we went around the table and each person had the opportunity to share their gladdest and saddest moments from the week. It was meaningful to be able to celebrate the good things and also to be vulnerable about suffering and disappointments in our lives.

After dinner we made a communal collage to reflect “when I feel most at peace.” We selected images from magazines and then shared the significance of the images with the group. It was a great way to focus on peace and to get to know each other on a deeper level.

To close our gathering, we, of course, sang a few folk songs. One of my favorite things is singing with my neighbor Mark. We shared a songbook and muddled our way through the songs with gusto - sometimes on key, sometimes not.

I am looking forward to our February Inspiration Night!