The Julian Way

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Yea! Block Connectors!!

On Tuesday night we gathered with a few more of our Block Connectors (BCs) to share stories and ideas. It is always such a joy to meet with our BCs! The evening started with Catherine’s homemade kale lentil soup--so good. And then we talked about the different ways our neighbors have helped us at different times, and some of the connections we have with neighbors. Overall, it was a joyful time, and a reminder of how great and important our Block Connectors are.

And in case you are wondering, ‘what does a Block Connector do?’ Here are the 3 things we ask of our BCs:

  1. Meet the neighbors on their block (usually about 15-20 houses) and find out what interests and skills they have.

  2. Organize 2 block parties a year for their block.

  3. Meet once a month with other BCs to share what they are discovering and look for connections.

It is simple and important, AND it all depends on the BCs. So, that is why we are so thankful for our BCs!

P.S. Sorry no picture this time--Catherine and I both forgot.