The Julian Way

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Apprentice Gathering 2016

It’s that time of year again! The Apprentice Institute is holding their annual conference, The Apprentice Gathering, at Friends University from September 29th to October 1st. Just like last year they will be bringing in world-class authors and speakers in the field of spiritual formation for plenary talks, workshops, and pre-session intensives. At this year’s conference, (our own) Matt Johnson will be leading a pre-session intensive on Thursday, September 29th from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the Friends University campus.

Titled “Foundations of Christian Spiritual (Trans)Formation,” Matt’s pre-session will draw from the wisdom in the Apprentice Series books written by James Bryan Smith, and it will discuss how we can work together with the Holy Spirit to grow into Christ-likeness with the tools for Christian spiritual formation that Dr. Smith wrote about in his books. The intensive will include experiential learning, with group discussion, as well as personal reflection.

Along with The Apprentice Gathering conference, there will be a new addition of a College Student Experience happening alongside the conference. The College Student Experience is a Christian spiritual formation retreat designed for college-aged individuals to learn about and experience the Kingdom of God. This event is held on the campus of Friends University in Wichita, KS as part of the overall Apprentice Gathering, and will integrate portions of the Apprentice Gathering while featuring specific elements and opportunities for college students only. The college track will include the intensive session taught by Matt Johnson, as well as two more morning sessions taught by Matt on the last two days.  

If you are interested in coming, visit: and click on the “Pre-Sessions” link or the “College Experience” link on the left to learn more.