The Julian Way

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Bridges Out of Poverty

Here is a little take on a class that Matt and I are attending, called Bridges out of Poverty. This program was developed by Ruby Payne in 2005. The training is designed to highlight mental and core concepts about how we approach poverty.

Chapter 1 deals with the mental aspects of the three economic classes of poverty, middle class, and wealth. For example, when you live in poverty, relationships matter most; whereas, for the middle class, achievements matter most. For the wealthy, connections matter most. If you know this about the three classes, it can help explain why people make the decisions they do--they aren’t just dumb or mean; it is about what matters most to them. 

A fact we learned in class is that in 2015 there were 39 affordable low income housing units available for every 100 renters in the U.S. In other words, 61% of those needing affordable low income housing couldn’t find it. 

You can learn more about Ruby Payne and Bridges Out of Poverty at
I would advise anyone who wants to learn more to take this class. Plus, you also get a free lunch if you take the class at Breakthrough Club at 1000 N Main - where we go :)