The Julian Way

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We Don't Do Mission Trips

One of the ways SoCe Life makes a living is by hosting groups for retreats.  We host youth groups, college ministries, Sunday school groups, and more.  To promote these opportunities we will often go out and share about SoCe.  Without fail, when we get introduced someone always says,

“This is SoCe Life they host mission trips.”  

We hate this comparison.  We don’t do mission trips.

The problem with mission trips is that it conjures certain images in the minds of anyone who has been affiliated with church culture. You know the image….you are probably thinking of it right now.  Young people working on a house.  Painting or roofing while the owners stand nearby probably poor, probably a person of color, and always needy.

The reason we don’t do mission trips is that we don’t see our neighbors as poor needy people.

They don’t need your help. As it turns out we all need each other’s help. What a trip to SoCe does is immerse you in the belief that all God’s people are gifted and have something to offer and that when we share our gifts we experience wholeness.  So if you are looking for a place to build a house….that isn’t us.  

A SoCe retreat may have one of the following focuses...

Discernment: We describe discernment as, “distinguishing between the voices.” These retreats help people hear the voice of God and claim it’s direction for their lives.  

Spiritual Formation: These retreats focus in on practices that create a deep spiritual life.  

Learning to Neighbor: My personal favorite! These retreats uncover half of the greatest commandment, “Love your neighbor as yourself.”  We share our method of neighboring and allow participants to learn from the people who live nearby.

Environmental: Leveraging the skills of one of our co-founders, Catherine Johnson, participants in an environmental retreat can discover what it is actually live with a smaller carbon footprint.

Intentional Community: Not only do we work together at SoCe Life, we do Life together.  We live on the same street, eat meals together, pray together, and so much more.  By participating in this way you experience what it is like to live in intentional community. 

What all these retreats have in common is community, abundance, and joy.  These are our core operating values and our neighbors are the ones who contribute to their success.  The people of SoCe don’t need your help, but they’d love to share some life together.  So give us a call and we’ll plan a retreat that is perfect for you and your group.

Book a retreat today by emailing us at or give us a call at 316-285-7799

You can learn more about retreats at SoCe Life here.