The Julian Way

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Overview: Southwestern College Discipleship Visit

Students gather at Adam and Ashley's before lunch is served. 


On Sunday, April 17 a group of 16 came from Southwestern College in Winfield, KS to spend a few hours in SoCe. They were a fantastic group! And while they were here they served as “living-learners” which was a tremendous gift to us.

The group arrived around 12:30 and enjoyed a wonderful lunch, catered by our neighbor Maytee (the food was delicious). After lunch the group was supposed to walk down to the Legacy Garden Works Community Garden, but unfortunately rain put the brakes on that. Instead, we stayed inside and spent the time enjoying the spiritual discipline of play by coloring and playing UNO. (My goal with having the students play was to give them a chance to relax and refresh before the final 2 weeks of the semester.)

Fortunately, the rain did let up, and after playing, the students were able to walk down and tour the community garden and learn about Garden Works (thanks to our friend Cody for the tour).

After the tour the “living-learning” experiment kicked into high gear! We split the students into groups of 5 or 6 and sent them through a workshop rotation. We offered three workshops that were each facilitated or strongly assisted by neighbors. Why did we do this? Because our neighbors are awesome and they have wonderful things to share!

In the coming days we’ll share a few perspectives from the workshops.

I want to finish by again thanking the students of Southwestern College for sharing their time and energy with us--they are great folks. And a special thanks to Molly Just for her leadership with the discipleship team!