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Job Opening at SoCe Life: Financial Administrator

We are looking for an abundance focused, joy loving, hard working individual to join the SoCe Life team.  The job description is below.  To apply send a resume and cover letter to

Finance Administrator

Accountable to: the SoCe Life Board of Directors

Reports to: Director of Fundraising and Recruiting

Purpose:  To serve SoCe Life by providing appropriate and accurate accounting and business records for the organization.

This position will begin at 30 hours/week starting after June 1, 2016. The budget for this position is based on $15 per hour, based on experience and/or education, plus benefits. Hours may increase to full-time as needed.


  1. Committed to supporting the mission of SoCe Life.
  2. Orderly and precise, with a penchant for detail.
  3. Maintain confidentiality.
  4. Accounting or bookkeeping skills
  5. Keyboard skills and experience with accounting software and Microsoft Office.
  6. College degree or equivalent experience in accounting required. Non-profit accounting experience preferred, but not required.

Duties and Responsibilities:

 1. Maintain appropriate and accurate accounting records, such as:

  • Individual Contribution Records: Enter contributions into SoCe Life database on a weekly basis. Check and balance deposit receipts to individual contribution accounts to reduce discrepancies. Maintain records of recurring givers, and prepare a report and analysis of gifts received for budgeting process. Prepare and mail individual donation acknowledgement letters in accordance with IRS regulations. Prepare oth  er rep orts   as r eq uested on a p er-nee d basis.
  • Accounts Payable  and Receivable: Obtain authorized signatures for vouchers signatures and code them with correct account number. Trace unknown bills, including origin and authorization.. Maintain an up-to-date vendor list. Inform SoCe Life Treasurer of fund availability and request transfer of funds if needed. Advise Treasurer and Executive Director of over-budget expenditures. Print checks and prepare them for Treasurer’s and/or Executive Director’s signature. Mail signed checks. Mark paid and file paid vouchers. Follow-up with vendors on payment disputes. Post accoun ts payable and receivable to General Ledger at month end.
  • Payroll: Maintain personnel records and all paperwork required for new employees for IRS. Keep records of vacation and sick leave. Process any paperwork required for salary changes. Maintain up-to-date payroll information as needed – tax tables, exemptions, etc. Enter payroll information for each pay period. Print checks for signature. Place signed checks in envelopes and distribute. Process payroll tax deposits. Process quarterly payroll reports. File year-end reports with federal and state governments. Process year-end W-2’s and 1099’s.
  • Financial  Accounting: Work with SoCe Life staff to create a balanced budget. Maintain fixed asset records. Transfer and record transactions between bank accounts. Close month end and year end accurately. Reconcile various accounts as required (ex. Payroll and related taxes). Reconcile bank accounts before reporting month-end numbers to Treasurer. Prepare/create reports and statements as needed. Prepare any additional reports required by government agencies (i.e., Kansas annual report, Kansas Registration of Solicitation, Federal 990)

2. Cooperate with auditors in the annual audit process.

3. Maintain a file of financial records

4. Attend regularly scheduled staff meetings and retreats.

5. Performing other office administrator duties as requested.

6. Participate in continuing education related to accounting and computer issues.

7. Communicate with Treasurer on regular basis.

8. Be available during critical finance and fundraising times, including year-end and statement reconciliation periods.