The Julian Way

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Saturday's Workday!

Last Saturday was another great day in SoCe! First off, it was beautiful outside--not too warm and not too windy. Second, we had a group of youth and adults from the Andover United Methodist Church come in for a few hours to volunteer at Bethany UMC with some yard clean-up. The youth (pictured below) did a great job getting the alley behind Bethany cleaned up a bit, not to mention the beautiful park Bethany owns on Water St.

The third reason it was a great day was because the 2 people from Bethany who coordinated the clean-up were our friends Janet and Jacki. They each live in the neighborhood and do a ton of good for this community! It was so encouraging to visit with them and share ideas about ways we can all work together to make this neighborhood stronger. This is what it’s all about--connecting people, building relationships, being neighbors!