The Julian Way

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2016 Highlight #1

Highlight 1: Provision

Our first Block Connector gathering in December was great! 

As 2016 comes to a close, a key word for this season has been provision. First of all, provision has come through support and encouragement. Adam has worked hard to set-up opportunities to tell our story at house parties, churches and even entrepreneurial groups.  We’ve also reached out to friends and family seeking financial support. The response has been amazing! Thank you to everyone who has responded so generously! 

Provision also came on December 7, 2016 when SoCe Life was awarded a recognition grant in the amount of $14,150 from the Kansas Health Foundation! This grant will be used to pay one Neighborhood Animator as well as training for Block Connectors in the SoCe Neighborhood throughout 2017. As you can imagine, we are very, very excited and honored to have received this grant. 

Finally, it felt like provision as we began working with our first few Block Connectors. It has been a highlight because our Block Connectors are fun people. It has been a form of provision because our Block Connectors are naturally gifted at neighboring. And so, we’ve discovered a model (the Abundant Community Network) but they are the ones bringing the know-how and additional ideas. All this put together makes me excited for 2017 to begin!