The Julian Way

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2016 Highlight #4

Today we continue our countdown of highlights from 2016.

Highlight 4: Garden Boxes
Our resident environmentalist, Catherine, has been piloting a program to provide raised garden beds, built out of reclaimed wood, for any neighbors who want them, or for people outside the neighborhood who would like to buy one. The boxes are 3 ft x 3 ft and stand about 2 ft tall. They are placed in front yards so people can grow produce to share with their neighbors and also have a reason to be in their front yards and interact with their neighbors. 

The funnest part of the garden box revolution is that it has truly grown organically. About the time we’ve completed all the requests for a garden box we meet another person who would like one. On one street in particular we’ve seen the garden boxes impact neighborliness and build connections. It started when a couple moved onto the street and one of their neighbors contacted us and said, “Hey, there are new people on my street. You need to come interview them!” So we did. As we talked with the couple, we told them about the garden boxes and they said they would love one. One was delivered, and Kristin got it painted. After Catherine and Mark had finished filling it with dirt they were walking home when a woman 2 doors down came onto her porch and said, “Hey! Are you the people who build those boxes?” They said yes, to which she asked, “What do I have to do to get one? I’ve been waiting for someone to come and ask me if I want one. I even know what I want painted on the side!” 

Soon her box was delivered and ready, and it was growing not just veggies she loves, but also radishes for the neighbor across the street who mows her yard and loves radishes! And on and on, the connections go! 

We have now built and delivered 17 garden boxes and we have orders for 6 more--3 in SoCe and 3 outside SoCe.