The Julian Way

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Help us pay for 2017. Every little bit helps!

Hey friends,

We have kicked off a November fundraising campaign and I wanted to share a few of our biggest goals with you. We've already made some good progress, but we'd love your help! You can see the three biggest fundraising buckets we're trying to fill below.  Sign up to give today at  Also, be sure to check out our sweet incentives! 

1. Abundant Community Network: $30,000

The Abundant Community Network organizes neighborhoods using volunteer Block Connectors who are responsible for roughly 20 households. The Block Connector connects every neighbor on their block to a database including information on the neighbors’ vision for the neighborhood and giftedness they are willing to share.  

In the first year the Abundant Community will pay two Neighborhood Animators 10 hours per week to recruit, train, and support 25 Block Connectors; increasing to 50 Block Connectors in the second year.  Maintaining 100 Block Connectors will cost $25 a month per block.  

Check out the video explanation here:

See this content in the original post


2. Executive Director: $21,000 (Stretch Goal $72,000 including other salaries)

The Executive Director position at SoCe Life is responsible for fundraising, long term strategy, Board of Director oversight, and networking.  This salary is $21,000 for 20 hours with a stretch goal of $42,000 for 40 hours.

Other Salaries: Additional paid time would be used to write grants, maintain fundraising goals, write curriculum, contribute to the blog, attend networking events, manage administrative oversight, etc. The work not covered in salaries will be done on a volunteer basis as we are able.

3. SoCe Life Community Center: $12,000

SoCe Life has been renting a space in the neighborhood that serves as a neutral space for neighbors to gather. The space serves as an office for operations, a gathering location for events, and a training center for Block Connectors. From this space we will host groups wanting to connect around a common interest including a monthly worshiping community. We do have the option to buy the space for $65,000.

Total Goal: $63,000

Stretch Goal: $114,000