The Julian Way

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Welcoming Kristin Wade--Our New Employee!!

Hello to the SoCe online community! As Matt previously posted, our organization was awarded grant money from the Wichita Community Foundation and the Knight Foundation to hire an employee - ME! So, a little bit about myself. I am a junior at Friends University studying both Sociology and Christian Spiritual Formation. I grew up not too far from Wichita in a small town about 100 miles west named Haviland. Since graduating high school I have found what I believe to be a calling toward urban ministry/community development. Being a sociology major, I am very interested in people groups and especially intrigued by the diversity found in cities. Not only socioeconomic diversity but also diversity of race, religion, talent, aspirations, and so on. There is such great value in bringing together people who are different from one another to share in life. People can share resources, talents, stories, experiences, and beauty (to only name a few). I am thrilled to be working alongside SoCe in their efforts to bring people together to share some, if not all, of these things.