The Julian Way

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A Divine Appointment

From Matt…

On Monday, Adam trained our immersion students in the process for interviewing neighbors. After training, discussing and role-playing for 90 minutes we partnered each student with a SoCe member. I was partnered with Jennifer. At 10:30 AM, Jennifer and I set out to do interviews on one block of one street in SoCe.

We knocked on a few doors and got no answer. Then we knocked on two doors where the residents didn’t want to talk. Then Jennifer noticed an apartment at the back of one of the houses. It was tucked so far back on the house--we nearly missed it! We knocked on the door and were greeted by the warm smile of the woman who lived there. We explained why we were there and that we wanted to interview her to find out what skills and interests she has. Immediately, she started telling us about the wide range of skills and work experience she has had AND she bravely shared that she is currently struggling with a drug addiction. We asked her about her support network and what steps she was taking to deal with her addiction, and she shared a few great resources. 

Suddenly, her eyes widened and she explained how, that very morning, she had prayed that God would bring her people who could help her find ways to redirect her energy and move in a new direction by utilizing her talents. We smiled and said, “it sounds like God brought us as an answer to your prayers!” With that, she began to cry tears of joy, and I felt joyfully humbled that the Holy Spirit would include Jennifer and I in this amazing moment.

Through her tears, she exclaimed, “this is a Divine Appointment!” That’s exactly how it felt to me--like a pure gift! I was so honored that I got to be part of God's loving response to her. And I am so inspired by her courage and desire to change direction. I deeply hope our work with SoCe Life will continue to bless her in the path that lies ahead.