The Julian Way

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Immersion Pilot First Night Reflections

From Adam....

Tonight we started our first immersion!  I think the excitement and anticipation between the 5 of us could power an ICT bus.  Of course Prescott has that much energy every day of the week.  Although I know I should be sleeping I couldn't do it.  Not tonight.  I am far too filled with visions of the church breaking loose from it's chains and running wildly on the streets.  On the streets of SoCe of course, but also on the streets which our immersion students will occupy throughout their long journeys.  

I also am overjoyed that Elaine Heath has joined us this week to both co-facilitate the immersion and companion our team as we discern and experiment with the baby that is our immersion program.  Elaine is a professor at Perkins School of Theology and author of many wonderful books.  (Start with Longing for Spring if you want a good read.)  On top of all this Elaine is the perfect midwife for our project.  She is protective, gentle, incredibly encouraging, and in the right moments speaks with power and authority that has caused us to push a new way of life into being for ourselves, our neighborhood, and hopefully our immersion students.  We cannot begin to thank her enough.  

Stay tuned for lots of pictures and stories from our first week hosting students!