The Julian Way

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Kansas Appleseed


One aspect of SoCe Life is that we have the opportunity to meet and network with great organizations and people. This week, Ashley, Catherine, and I met with Jacqueline from Kansas Appleseed. (Side note: we met at Common Grounds for coffee--which is awesome!) We met to share about the work our two nonprofits are doing.

Kansas Appleseed is focused on addressing social injustices within communities by partnering with residents and local organizations and pro bono attorneys. As Kansas Appleseed learns about issues, they then take action to confront and change legislation that may be creating the injustice. Currently they are working to address child hunger as well as juvenile justice. While these two issues are their current focus they could address any issue of social justice.

You can learn more about their work here:

It was also great to meet with Jacqueline because she lived in SoCe for a time when she was a child. She shared with us that there was a house that was renovated to serve as the South Area Center when she lived here. They provided afterschool and summer programs such as guitar lessons. Unfortunately, the South Area Center is gone, but it is a reminder that folks have been doing good things in SoCe since before we got here!